All You Should Know About The Hidden Victim– Your Hips

Hips are a major bone and joint in the body. They are located about two inches below your waist, on the outside of your pelvis. They are situated at the side of your body and can be felt when pressing or knocking on the lower part of your waist.

Common problems in your hips
1. Weak hip muscles and a weak body are a common problem.

Weak muscles are usually found in most people. It is caused by too much spending time in the office and irregular exercise. This will cause more physical problems to occur along with it.

2. Fat deposition.

A lot of fat is present in the hip area and can affect your bone and other joints. Fat deposition may lead to problems such as arthritis, inflammation and even injury. If you are having a lot of fat in your hips then your body might have a lot of difficulties handling all the pressure that is exerted on it.

3. Disc injuries.

The hip joint is one of the most important joints in the body and it is also known as a ball and socket joint. It’s like two bones that are joined together, into a ball, at the top and bottom by a large circle so that they can move in different directions.

4. Uneven hips.

This may create a lot of pain and difficulties in your everyday life. Your body will be uneven and painful to move around. It makes one to feel that they are falling apart, when one walks.

5. Bony lesions in the hip .

This may have a lot of complications that may lead to more problems in the future. They affect the ability of your body to move and it can affect your movements in general.

6. Bone deformities.

Some people have a lot of problems with the shape of their hips. There are a lot of abnormalities in their bones and they create a lot of pain and difficulties in their everyday life. It is a hidden victim because it is a problem that is not picked up by your senses.

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